Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan | Film No. 8

st2I. LOVE. THIS. “MOVIE.”  The actors really create a beautiful sense of “action” in this film. But mostly because they had to make the ship seem as though it was getting hit by phasers and there were no “special effects” to help them.  This always creates a wonderful window into the full range of motion available to the human body.  For example, its really funny to watch them throw themselves around a stationary set, “react to punches,” and try to have human emotions. Also a lesser know point of interest for this film; it is the true origin story for the Batman villain Two Face.


*SLIGHT RANT* Why is every important plot point in the recent Star Trek franchise directly copied from The Wrath of Khan?  It makes me so angry. Although Star Trek Beyond is less developed than the preceding films, at least there are not any plot points that are taken from this film.  In contrast, the first two are LITTERED with scenes directly pulled from The Wrath of Kahn.  I am fine with referencing the source material, but when 5-6 scenes are copied from the same film…. it feels less like referencing and more like lazy writing.


Overall, a classic Star Trek film. It is a wondrous time in the Sci-Fi genre and without it we would not have the FIRST TWO STAR TREK MOVIES THAT WE HAVE. *rant over*





This post is part of my year-end challenge to watch every movie that I own.  If you want to see the original post with a full list of all of the films.  Click here.

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