Office Space | Film No. 31

A film from the same year as The Matrix and an answer to what tech workers would actually be doing 18 years in the future.  Instead of sitting in tubs of lube, we are just sitting at desks having a case of the Monday’s.


If you work in an office, it is very important that you have seen this film.  However, the way that Bill Lumbergh tells Peter to remember to put a cover sheet on his TPS reports is reminiscent of people telling me to watch this movie. *they reference one line* *I look confused* “You need to watch this movie, it is important. I cannot believe you haven’t seen it.” “Yeah, I have seen it, I just forgot that one line.” “Well, you should probably see it, that would be great” *OK, LUMBERGH, I HAVE SEEN IT, CALM DOWN!*

I feel like this movie is just making a documentary about office culture. I worry that outside the office, I am Michael Bolton, and inside the office I am Milton.  I listen to hardcore rap/dubstep on my way to work, but I also have a favorite office item, and have been moved 4 times this year.  This film is boring and hilarious and feels true to my daily life.

This film has produced some of the longest lived internet memes. Not many films can boast that every line could be it’s own meme.  It is a wonderfully mundane film and I 100% recommend watching it, but you do not have to remember every line from it, ok?


This post is part of my year end challenge to watch every movie that I own.  If you want to see the original post with a full list of all of the films.  Click here.




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