Spaceballs (The Film Review) | Film No. 34

Spaceballs was the first comedy film that I saw as a 10 year old.  Up until then, it was all VeggieTales, This Old House, and playing outside.  From the moment that the desert was combed for survivors, I was hooked.  Spaceballs is a “typical” Mel Brooks film, full of double entendres and puns. This film is a direct parody of the Star Wars franchise.  From the hairy sidekick, to the glowing light sabers, Spaceballs only exists to poke fun at the scifi genre and Star Wars in particular.  

Spaceballs follows the story of a Druish Princess who runs away from her wedding, a handsome smuggler (and his furry companion) who owe someone a lot of money, one evil overlord hellbent on destroying the home of the princess, and a mystical force that binds everyone together…  But mostly, it’s purpose is just to see how many jokes one can make about male reproductive organs and butts.  Not going to lie, I am always here for that kind of trash!

This film should only be watched if you are an avid fan of Star Wars and do not currently have a sick up your butt. Also, Rick Moranis is a hero and one of my favorite comedians from the 90s.  His portrayal of Lord Helmet, a deeply insecure hand of the evil emperor, is classic and always a joy to watch.  

This film is timeless and appropriate for most ages.  Even if it is “not appropriate” for your young children, they will love Barf the Mog (he is half-man half-dog), so it is perfect for them. *DON’T ASK QUESTIONS*

This post is part of my year end challenge to watch every movie that I own.  If you want to see the original post with a full list of all of the films.  Click here.

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