World War Z | Film No. 15


Summary: A man, with a very particular set of skills, will risk his life to save his wife and girls. This man is Brad Pitt. These bad guys are zombies.  This film is excellent; like “re-watching 4 times” kind of excellent.


I think this film is perfect. It legitimizes a zombie plotted film, but is also painfully aware of what it is.  They fully kit Pitt up in hockey pads with an axe before the film is over and have many flickering lights and dark spots to hide the zombies.


I am not a huge fan of gory zombie movies, I think it has something to do with the eating other humans thing, but this film is the perfect mix of smart and scary.  The zombies move quick, but only if there is noise to draw them.  The way of defeating the zombies is super smart and witty.  There is no gathering of zombies in one place and setting off a bomb, just purely outsmarting the disease.


Sidenote, the Doctor is in this film, and I am fine with seeing cameos of Peter Capaldi in films!

Which Zombie movies are your favorites?


This post is part of my year-end challenge to watch every movie that I own.  If you want to see the original post with a full list of all of the films.  Click here.


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