Dan in Real Life | Film No. 22

Dan in Real Life was the second hipster movie about finding life after grief that I had ever watched.  Obviously, it is modeled after Elizabethtown, but set in the north-east instead of the south and with Steve Carell as a “super unlikeable” dad…  So believable!


*Honestly, Steve Carell has always been the dad we want… right?*

This story revolves around a father who has lost his wife and is dealing with grieving while meeting a new girl.  Surprise! The girl that he likes, turns out to be dating his brother.  He tries to avoid her at first, but it seems that they are meant to be together. After they proclaim their love for each other he returns to his family to square things away with them.  They tell him to go for it. So obviously he runs after her and catches up with her at a gym….  where she is running… on a treadmill…

First off, the things I hate*:

  1. This film is the epitome of families pushing their noses into places they don’t belong. (see my conversation with every family member about why I am not married at every family get together…)
  2. Juliette Binoche is literally the worst and she starts off flirting with Dan and then gets super annoyed when he goes on a date with another woman.. “BUT SHE IS PERFECT FOR HIM…” *rolls eyes*
  3. If she is so great, why the CUSS was she with Dane Cook???
  4. Steve Carell’s daughter is in middle school, making out with stupid boys, and has the “meaningful” advice on relationships…  (see gif above)
  5. MMMHMMM….  SURE…  A 13 year old’s relationship with a boy is super the same as a 40 year old dad’s relationship…  yep… Those are TOTES the same…
  6. I love that Emily Blunt is in this film, but she is only there for the brothers to use as a pawn against each other cause she is HAWWT…  #justiceforpigfacedraper

*I know this is a long list, but hang with me


Finally, the things I love:

  1. STEVE *FRICKIN* CARELL and his weird sad face
  2. “this corn is like an angel”
  3. “what’s your talent?” “murderer of love” #same
  4. family games
  5. perfectly symmetrical shots
  6. the Mercedes hatchback
  7. SONDRE LERCHE and his beautiful music


Genuinely, this movie is one of those films where I will ignore the bad performances (I am looking squarely at Dane Cook and Juliette Binoche) and only remember the melancholy beauty of the film.  This movie fits perfectly in the happy sad genre..  (yes, it is a genre, stop asking questions).  It finds it home somewhere between Elizabethtown and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and I am never mad to have another film to watch when I am feeling sad.


This post is part of my year end challenge to watch every movie that I own.  If you want to see the original post with a full list of all of the films.  Click here.

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