Edward Scissorhands | Film No. 24

Were you alive in the 90’s and did you happen to be a goth/wore black all the time?  This was one of the only films that was truly a love story for all of the goths out there.  While everyone else was into Clueless, I have always found myself more drawn to the Edward Scissorhands/Tim Burton side.  Also, please explain to me how Edward Scissorhand is NOT just Clueless imagined in the mine of Pre-Helena-Bonham-Carter Tim Burton….

Edward is the creation of Vincent Price (literally) and, after years of living up in a castle above a yuppy neighborhood, one desperate AVON rep will find him in hiding and bring him out in the the world. Her goal is just to give him some astringent for his facial scissor wounds, but she eventually gives him a place in her family as well.  As he grows closer to her family, he and her oldest daughter fall in love.  After some sad circumstances, he is forced out by the town and returns to his castle to live forever… Alone.. In goth paradise.

Because of this film’s symmetry and distinct color palette, it is hard to not be reminded of Wes Anderson.  Also, there is a certain charm to this film that is different from Burton’s later/darker films and feels more like Wes Anderson’s recent flicks.  Overall, this film is a pleasure to watch.  However, I think I have watched it one to many times and am beginning to get bored with it.  Many of the scenes are a bit slow moving and it feels like a long film.

I would still give this film an 8/10, but only watch it when you are in the mood for some bright colors with a touch of goth.


This post is part of my year end challenge to watch every movie that I own.  If you want to see the original post with a full list of all of the films.  Click here.

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