Big Fish | Film No. 39

I was pretty obsessed with Tim Burton as a young semi-goth teenager as is on brand for people who grew up in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. His films had a new point of view that was somewhat dark, but mostly just artsy.  This was my on ramp into weird indie films, and I am not sad about reliving it through Big Fish

Big Fish is the telling of a life as seen through fairytale lenses. A son who is fed up with his father embellishments of life finds out that his father lived a truly incredible life in spite of his exaggerations.  Also, this son learns a truly beautiful love story between his parents. 

Big Fish has some of the most beautiful visuals from 2003.  From the costuming to the sets, there are almost no weak links within this beautiful imagined world.  The only failing of this movie comes from the absolutely horrific CGI.  There is one scene where a car gets hit by a sudden flood, and the CGI is literally the screen turning a navy blue color and the WindowsXP bubble screensaver playing over that color.  An absolute tragedy.

The only other gripe I have with Big Fish is the atrocious southern accents in it.  There is not a single actual southerner.  It is mostly just English people putting on some of the worst southern accents I have heard in a long time and they burn a bit every time I re watch this film.

Despite the failing, this movie is perfectly whimsical and I still love it. 

This post is part of my year end challenge to watch every movie that I own.  If you want to see the original post with a full list of all of the films.  Click here.

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