The Princess Bride | Film No. 36

*closes eyes and winces* The Princess Bride is not my favorite film and I think Monty Python and the Holy Grail is funnier. THERE I SAID IT!

First off, I believe there are two kinds of people; and I grew up watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  My first time watching The Princess Bride was when I was 20, and despite liking it and thinking it was funny, it is NOWHERE near as funny as Monty Python.  It is a beautiful comedy set in medieval times all about finding love and I consistently feel like young Ben Savage while watching it…

All of my negativity aside, at the end of the day, the purpose of these films is to be incredible quotable, and the Princess Bride does not disappoint. It is “Inconceivable” that someone has not heard at least one quote from this movie.  

Overall, this film is better watched when under the age of 10, then brought into adulthood, not watched cold at age 20 alone in ones apartment. *not personal experience, to be sure* It is funny and light hearted and I like it enough to own, but it is more of a once-every-5-years kind of film or when tied up and force to watch.

8/10, would watch again before dying.

This post is part of my year end challenge to watch every movie that I own.  If you want to see the original post with a full list of all of the films.  Click here.

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